Perfect casting for Sheffield debut play

We Could All Be Perfect is the debut play by Doncaster writer and actor Hannah Morley, commissioned, developed and produced by Sheffield Theatres and performed in its intimate and flexible Playhouse.

The cast includes Anshula Bain, Heather Forster, Rosa Hesmondhalgh, Alice Walker and Jada-Li Warrican, all making their Sheffield Theatres debuts.

A teenage girl steps over a barrier and destroys a painting. Another steals a lipstick. Another has her first kiss in the dark. Whilst another walks into a supermarket and starts a republic.

The play explores whether teenage girls will save the world and asks if they should have to.

It runs from September 23 to October 14.

Related listings
We Could All Be Perfect – Hannah Morley (Sheffield Theatres)

Reporter: David Upton

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