Being Sophie Scholl

Even if you know little about the heroic stand taken against Hitler’s regime by the German student Sophie Scholl, you will guess the likely outcome of her act of rebellion. In 1943, she was arrested along with her brother for treason when they distributed anti-war leaflets opposed to the Nazi Government. Emma Rogers, Holly Allan… Continue reading Being Sophie Scholl

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The Last Vagabonds

The Last Vagabonds lets us glimpse the unhappy mind of the young student Bill (Teddy Monroe). He’s at odds with the world and uncertain of what he wants or even whom he wants to be with. His wealthy parents try to support him, but he’s not really connected with them despite his dad, the Head… Continue reading The Last Vagabonds

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Draining the Swamp

Sir Oswald Mosely is a curious figure in British history: a veteran of the Great War turned anti-war advocate. He was also a popular and charismatic speaker who met with such varied individuals as Adolf Hitler and Mahatma Gandhi, and, above all, did more to popularise fascism in the UK than perhaps any other figure.… Continue reading Draining the Swamp

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The Trials of Galileo

Galileo sits alone in a room recalling a trial that consigned him to life imprisonment. It is a story that illustrates the ruthless corruption of the Church hierarchy. Tim Hardy gives an eloquent, often witty performance as Galileo, ready to dismiss at least in words the nonsense thrown at him. Speaking of the Jesuits, he… Continue reading The Trials of Galileo

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Jesus Christ Superstar

The 2016 multi-award-winning Regent’s Park Open Air Theatre production of Jesus Christ Superstar now begins the 2024 leg of its UK tour at Leicester’s Curve, not that many weeks since the venue staged its own production of Evita, another Rice / Lloyd Webber classic. Last weekend, Ralph Fiennes caused a ripple in the media pond on BBC One’s Sunday… Continue reading Jesus Christ Superstar

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When You Pass Over My Tomb

Franco-Uraguayan dramatist Sergio Blanco, one of South America’s most performed living playwrights, calls his work “autofiction” and he puts a writer with his name at its centre, a Sergio played here by Al Nedjari. No that’s not quite right: actor Al Nedjari is playing himself as a ghost; it is the ghost who plays Sergio… Continue reading When You Pass Over My Tomb

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Noises off

Most of the cast of Michael Frayn’s frenetic farce will have clocked up close to 150 performances by the time it ends its six-month UK tour in Oxford next week. With the sort of energy they bring to the show, if this were sport, someone would be looking at what they put in their tea.… Continue reading Noises off

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The Full Monty

There have been so many variations on The Full Monty—film, musical, TV series—it is considered necessary to advise potential customers that the current touring production is ‘The Play’. The company takes seriously their responsibility to the actors—choreographer Ian West doubles as intimacy co-ordinator and the audience is warned taking photos will result in possible legal action… Continue reading The Full Monty

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Drop the Dead Donkey: The Reawakening!

While stage versions of old sitcoms aren’t uncommon—John Cleese has recently announced that Fawlty Towers will come to theatres later in the year, to join the likes of Porridge, Steptoe and Son, Yes, Prime Minister and several others—it is less common for almost the full original cast to be reassembled for a UK tour with a brand new script. Drop the… Continue reading Drop the Dead Donkey: The Reawakening!

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